MHFA Refresher

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May 2025
22nd May


MHFA Refresher

Mental Health First Aid Refresher Course:

Refresher courses allow people who have previously completed a 12- or 14-hour Mental Health First Aid course to refresh their knowledge and skills. For people who are Accredited MHF Aiders, refresher courses offer an opportunity to extend their accreditation for a further three years.
The content of each refresher course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals.

What will you learn?

Gain an understanding of the latest research in the mental health field
Learn the 3 key actions for helping someone feeling suicidal
Work through complex mental health first aid interactions

What is the format?

Each course is a 4-hour face/face workshop.

Cost: $185 per person, includes workbook.

Time: 9.00am-1.00pm

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